Things You'll Need
Roll a single die to determine who goes first, with the highest score getting the first score; one player is elected scorekeeper and is responsible for recording each player's score at the end of her turn.
Begin your turn by rolling all six dice. From these six dice, the player chooses which dice to "score." These dice are grouped into scoring combinations and set aside.
For a combination to count, it must all be rolled in a single throw. Players don't have to score all possible combinations, but can choose which dice to score and which to set aside to re-roll. From here, the player can choose to "bank" his score and end his turn, or to re-roll any dice that haven't been scored. On a player's first turn he has to score 500 or more to "get on the board," but after that, any score may be banked.
Score all six dice in one or more throws. You can choose to continue, rolling all six dice again, but you don't bank your score until the end of your turn. This is called "hot dice."
End your turn by saying "bank" and handing the dice to the person to your left. If you roll a combination of dice that cannot be scored in any way, then you "farkel," which means you lose any points you have scored on that turn and must pass the dice immediately.
Continue play in this manner until one player reaches 10,000 points. When that happens, each of the other players gets one last roll. During this last roll, players are required to keep rolling until they have beaten the high score or farkel. No ties are allowed.
Possible Scoring Combination
Any 1 = 100 Three 6's = 600
Any 5 = 50 Four of kind (Any) = 1,000
Three 1's = 300 Five of a kind (Any) = 2,000
Three 2's = 200 Six of a kind(Any) = 3,000
Three 3's = 300 Two triplets (Any) = 2,500
Three 4's = 400 Three pairs, or four of a kind and a pair = 1,500
Three 5's = 500 Straight (1,2,3,4,5,6) = 1,500