Things You'll Need
Download or purchase computer design software. Print Shop Deluxe is affordable and easy for novices to operate.
Choose to use either numbers over the photo graphics, or create matching photo cards for bingo calling.
Select the theme or photos for the bingo cards.
Open the software program, and select the new project tap. Click on the "table" tap and insert a table, which is five columns wide, with six rows.
Insert a text box in each of the top column boxes. Type the letters, B-I-N-G-O in the boxes. Adjust the bingo chart to fit other letters. Photo Bingo cards personalization ideas include: Christmas, baby or summer.
Insert an object in each bingo square. Use sizing tools provided in the program to adjust object or photo size to fit each square.
Repeat process for each bingo card. Adjust or add different objects in each square of the new cards. Print two of each card on thick cardstock paper for durability.
Make bingo calling cards. Cut out each bingo card square from second set of bingo cards. Throw away any duplicate squares. Place squares in a hat or box.
Cover photo bingo and calling cards with clear contact paper to prevent tearing.