Things You'll Need
Find a safe, open area with plenty of space to play. A grassy backyard or park is excellent.
Draw a line about 5 feet long with the chalk or spray paint.
Make a large knot in each end of the rope.
Measure the distance between the two knots, and determine the halfway point.
Tie a ribbon around the rope at the halfway point. Then, lay the rope out on the ground so that the ribbon sits on the line you've drawn on the ground.
Choose teams. Each side should have the same number of people, and a fun way to keep things fair is to pull colored slips of paper out of a hat. For example, everyone who draws green is on one side, and everyone with a blue slip is on the other.
Have the teams line up on either side of the rope, and instruct the children to pick up the rope. Each child should be holding some part of the rope.
Start the tug of war game! The first team that is able to pull a member of the other team over the line, or causes the other team to let go of the rope, wins.