Things You'll Need
How To Play Scattagories
Collect a pad of paper and pencil for each player in the game. It is usually a good idea to have extra pencils available in case one of the points breaks during the game. If you don't have pads of paper, give each player a sheet of paper. Make sure each player has a hard writing surface to use to write their answers on if you are using sheets of paper instead of paper pads.
Give each player the category list. On each sheet there are 10 different lists. Each list has 12 different categories. Some examples are "food," "names that begin with ...." and "cities that begin with..."
Decide which list will be played in the upcoming round, and let everyone know so they can find that list on their sheet of paper.
Roll the letter die, this is the letter that every answer should start with. Start the 2-minute timer.
Each player is then instructed to come up with an answer that fits each of the 12 categories on that list. Tell them to come up with a word that fits each category that starts with the letter rolled on the letter die. Instruct your friends to come up with original answers, and that they can not use the same answer for more than one category.
Score the game of Scattagories for that round. Have each player read off their list of answers. If anyone has the same answer for that specific category, both players must cross off their answer. If anyone objects to an answer, stating it doesn't make sense, then have a vote. Majority decides if the word is a valid answer. After everyone has read their answers, instruct each player to count the number of words they have on their answer sheet that are not crossed off. That is their score for that specific round.
Repeat steps 3 through 6 for two more rounds. After three rounds, have each player total their score from all three rounds. The player with the most points wins the game.