Things You'll Need
Before Bunco night, decide if you will be playing for cash or prizes. If you decide to play for prizes, the host will buy prizes to be given out at the end of the Bunco night. Establish what the budget is for each player. If the host will be buying prizes, the budget should be consistent with the cash value of the prize established below.
On the score cards, have everyone write their name across the top and divide card into 4 equal sections. Label the top two sections wins and losses. Label the other two sections Buncos and Baby Buncos. The host often does this ahead of time.
One way to gamble is to do payouts based on final scores. After 3 complete games of bunco are played, the money is distributed. With 12 players there is $120 in the pot. The person with the most wins could win $50, most buncos $40, most Baby Buncos $20 and the most losses gets her money back as booby prize of $10. If there is a tie, the players that are tied can decide if they want to split the prize equally or they may roll the dice and the highest roll wins.
Another fun way to play is a "win as you go" method. Everyone also brings $5 in one dollar bills. Every time they roll snake eyes or 3 ones on the dice, they put $1 in the kitty. The next person to get a Bunco gets the kitty. If you ever get to the point where you have contributed all of your $5, you no longer have to contribute. You continue playing without putting anymore dollars in. This limits how much money someone can lose.
Bunco night can also bring gambling into the theme and not just the game itself. Many Bunco nights have a theme like Mardi Gras, Halloween or Hawaiian night. A prize can be given for the best outfit or costume. A prize can also be given to the person who makes the best themed dish to pass.