Acquire the Future Fushion spell card, the Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon monster card and the Red Eyes Wyvern monster card by drawing them into your initial hand, drawing them into your hand from the deck during subsequent game play, using the Gold Sarcophagus spell card to search for them, or using the Burial From a Different Dimension spell card to resurrect them if they've already been played.
Play the Future Fusion spell card. Playing this card allows you to create a monster, known as the Five Headed Dragon, which allows you to dump five monsters of your choice from the deck into the graveyard.
Dump the Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and the Red Eyes Wyvern monster cards into the graveyard. Totem Dragon, Light and Darkness Dragon/Yamata Dragon and Genesis Dragon are good subsequent choices. Dumping Red Eyes Wyvern allows you to summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon during your next turn, because Red Eyes Wyvern works either from your hand or from the graveyard.
Summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, which allows you to resurrect three of the monsters that you dumped from the deck into the graveyard during your previous turn. Bring these cards into your hand, breaking down the tier.