Things You'll Need
Generate the orc's statistics using whichever method you have chosen for your campaign. You can roll dice, choose from a pool of stats or "purchase" statistics as described in the Players's Handbook.
Modify these stats as follows: Add 4 to strength and subtract 2 from wisdom, intelligence and charisma.
Give the player using an orc the Darkvision ability for 60 feet. This allows him to see in the dark without using torches or other forms of light.
Make this character sensitive to daylight. This gives him a -1 to attack rolls and skill checks while in daylight.
Give the character +2 to poison and disease-based saving throws. He is also immune to ingested poisons.
Increase this character's jump and survival skills by 2 points.
Discuss playing the orc with the player before he commits. Make sure that it makes sense for the rest of the adventuring party to allow an orc to come with them. Remind him that he needs to role-play as an orc, and make sure all players are comfortable with this.