Primary Grass
Digimon such as Yarumon and Tanemon belong to the grass type. Most attacks from these types use physical projectiles, vines, seeds and leaves as the basis of attacks and are usually most effective against water types. As with all grass types, fire Digimon should be avoided.
Because insects are included in the grass classification, many of these Digimon also have a secondary flying characteristic. Most of these Digimon have wings and can turn the power of the wind against their opponents and can also learn aerial attacks.
Many of the plant and insect types of grass Digimon can spray poisons at enemies. This may take the form of bubbles, a spray or poisonous spits and stings. The effects of poison attacks are felt for multiple turns and deals damage to a recipient over time.
Secondary Grass
Some creatures, like Jagamon and Ninjamon, count grass as a secondary type and receive peripheral advantages. Ninjamon uses an attack called "Tree Leaf Dance" that derives from his secondary type while others may receive advantages by taking reduced water damage.