Obtain the "Dagon'hai Robes Set" and the "Elite Black Armour." The robe set ensures you can enter Lucien's camp and the Elite Black Armour keeps the black knights from becoming aggressive.
Obtain the "Strange Teleorb" item by completing the "While Guthix Sleeps" quest. You will find the Teleorb inside Dark Squall's Room on the southernmost desk in the quest. Click the Teleorb to teleport to Lucien's camp.
Walk around Lucien's camp until you notice the Chaos Temple. The Chaos Temple will be the only hut in the area. It is half buried in snow.
Climb over the ice wall in front of the Chaos Temple by clicking the "foot steps" on the wall.
Click the ledge with dots in the Chaos Temple to jump onto it. Walk toward the entrance and you will get inside the Chaos Temple.