Battle Fader
The Battle Fader is an ultra-rare effect monster card. It can be used to deflect the power of direct attacks. It is also a fiend monster, which means it takes the form of a weird, twisted and mischievous demon. As might be expected from a fiend monster, the Battle Fader has the Dark attribute.
Witch of the Black Rose
The Witch of the Black Rose is a spell caster monster which means she is able to control and use a magical force. Spell caster monsters are generally divided into light and dark; the Witch of the Black Rose is in the latter category. She is also a tuner monster; she is required to cast a summoning spell before a synchro monster can be summoned.
Koa'ki Meiru Urnight
An ultra-rare card with the Earth Attribute, Koa'Ki Meiru Urnight is an effect monster. He is also a beast-warrior monster which means he is half-man, half-animal. Beast-warrior monsters use their animalistic traits to their advantage during battle.
Garlandolf -- King of Destruction
Garlandolf, King of Destruction, is an ultra-rare card with the Dark attribute. He is a fiend monster and an effect monster like the Battle Fader. He is also a ritual monster and can cast the Ritual of Destruction spell if a player has the Ritual of Destruction card.
Alchemist of Black Spells
The Alchemist of Black Spells is an ultra-rare card with the Wind attribute. He is a spell caster monster, just like the Witch of the Black Rose card. He is also an effect monster, like Garlandolf, King of Destruction.
Synchro Monsters
Syncho monsters are monsters that can only be summoned by a tuner monster that has reached a certain level. When this level corresponds to the level of the synchro monster, a player can summon the monster. All synchro monster cards are ultra rare. These are the Majestic Red Dragon, Drill Warrior, Sun Dragon Ini, Moon Dragon Quilla and the XX-Saber Hyunlei cards.