Hobbies And Interests

How to Create D&D Fighter Classes

Players create one of several classes in "Dungeons and Dragons." Each class is typically suited for a specific type of combat. Spellcasters hang back from the action and pummel enemies with powerful magics, Rogues dance around the edges and strike at weaker enemies, and Fighters charge right into the middle of the fracas. Of course, before you can start smiting your enemies, you will first have to create your Fighter class from the options available in the Player's Handbook.


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      Select your race from the available player races. Each race receives different racial bonuses or defects -- such as improved constitution for dwarves, or lower charisma for half-orcs.

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      Generate your ability scores. Each character in D&D has six ability scores; strength, constitution, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence and charisma. Depending on which rules your DM is using, you may need to roll for each ability score, or add points to them from a pre-determined pool.

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      Determine your alignment, choose a God and develop a backstory. The latter two may not be necessary if you are playing a primarily hack-and-slash campaign rather than one that is heavily story and role-play based. Your alignment, however, will determine what sorts of actions your character can take in-game, as well as if he can use certain types of items.

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      Select feats, powers and skills. Fighters gain a first tier "heroic feat" at level one, and also gain several combat powers from the list of Fighter powers found in the Players Handbook. They also have access to a small number of skills such as Heal and Intimidate. Choose three skills from the list of Fighter skills to be "trained" in.

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      Purchase starting equipment. Each new character gets a stipend of gold -- usually 200gp, but that may change depending on the rules of your own game -- to spend equipping their Fighter. Purchase weapons, armor and gear that you want your fighter to use.

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      Fill out your character sheet. Fill in all the needed numbers on your character sheet; this includes your fighter's HP -- they get 15 + constitution modifier at first level -- their attack bonus, their armor class (AC), their saves, and what skills they have trained.

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