Determine the base Armor Class of any gear worn by the cleric. Cloth armor offers a base of zero AC. Leather has a base of two, while hide offers three Armor Class. Chain mail armor rates as an Armor Class of six.
Add the highest of the cleric's Intelligence or Dexterity statistics, if the cleric wears cloth or leather armor. Light armor provides bonuses to intelligent or quick characters.
Combine any bonuses from magical spells, items, prayers or incantations with the total. For instance, a cleric wearing plain leather with a Dexterity of six and a +2 Spell of Shielding has an AC of 10.
Subtract any modifiers such as an enemy's Faerie Fire spell or other armor-decreasing effects. Fourth edition provides fewer of these than previous versions, but enemy shamans and other spell-casters may still reduce the AC.