Things You'll Need
Cut out several pieces of baseboard to use as your scenery base. Make the shapes curvy and somewhat random, like jigsaw puzzle pieces.
Glue three or four Fred brand swizzle sticks standing vertically onto pieces of baseboard. The swizzle sticks look like strange, knotted swamp plants and when painted will make good Tyranid trees.
Cut out an egg "cup" from a carton and glue it, open end up, onto a piece of baseboard. Spray expanding foam around it to build up a mound and hide the edges of the cup. Put a dab or two of foam in the cup. This will form the basis of a Tyranid reclamation pool, where the DNA of Tyranid victims is turned into food and fuel.
Glue peanut shells, rough side up, and pistachio shells, open side up, to a piece of baseboard. Add some expanding foam to create alien debris fields or the entrance to a brood nest.
Cut out pieces of wall from a plastic scale building and glue them to a baseboard piece to create rubble from a human city. Leave some of the wall pieces standing, and glue other pieces on the ground.
Paint your scenery pieces as you see fit. Alien scenery can be gray, green or mauve. Paint the city rubble like bricks or concrete and metal.