Games Online
There are websites designed with care in mind and games for children to play. One such website, Girls Go Games, offers interactive care activities for girls to enjoy, including Baby Bathing, Time to Sleep, and Cute Baby Nursery. Not only do girls get to pretend they are caring for a child, they also increase fine motor skills as they use technology.
Competitive Games
If you are having a group of children over for a play date or a birthday party, you can incorporate a fun child-care game into the mix. For example, provide baby dolls, disposable diapers and clothes for the dolls. All the children are assigned a specific baby doll and all babies are placed on one end of the room. On the count of three, children are to run to their babies, take off one disposable diaper, replace it with a new one, and make sure the doll is dressed. The first child to sit back down with a changed and dressed baby wins.
Nurturing Games
There are commercial games that you can purchase, such as the "Nurturing Game." This game can be played by parents and children together. Players work their way around a game board and land on squares with different commands. If you land on a hug square you must hug another player. If you land on a scenario card you must respond to how you would react in a specific caring scenario. On a feeling square you must respond to how you would feel about a specific occurrence.
Babysitter Games
To teach older girls and boys how to care for children in babysitter settings, you can create your own card games with point values awarded for correct answers. Use index cards and write down scenarios they may face as a babysitter. As an example, a child is afraid to go sleep. If the player can identify one way to help in this situation award two points. If she has two good suggestions, award her double the points. You can include first-aid and emergency questions, diaper change and baby care, as well as activities appropriate for children of different ages.