Hobbies And Interests

How to Buy Gorean Meter Coins

Commerce is important in any social interaction in any civilization type. Commerce happens whenever we conduct business with or without money involved. Any society makes standard weights and measures on how to trade goods so the products can have assigned value and be assessed. Goreans also uses this tradition.


  1. Gorean monetary system.

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      Buy Gorean coins from banks, which can be found on Street of Coins. Most Gorean cities have Street of Coins, where each city specializes in a particular product or service. Those Streets are usually a set of districts or streets where banking and money-changing negotiations happen. Merchants bank their money so you can also buy directly from them.

      Also, you can purchase Gorean meter coins from Goreans by trading products like food or clothing. You can also sell products to Goreans to get coins.

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      Identify Gorean bankers. Most bankers sit on rugs on their individual booth. Some of them can be found besides fortresses and palaces around Streets of Coins. These individuals have scales and they are chopping coins into pieces. They do it regularly to produce copper tarsks.

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      Understand the Gorean commerce or monetary system. Goreans use coins as monetary exchanges because they don't use paper currency. They use gold, silver or copper and there are different equivalents in each city. Gor has many cities and most cities in Gor mint their coins. Being adept with their monetary system gives you an advantage in business or trade. Understanding how Goreans carry coins will also help you in trading. Men carry money in small pouches. However, assassins put their coins in their belt around waist. The free women hide their coins in hidden pockets beneath their robes. The slaves on the other hand can't touch their coins; they must carry them in their mouth. Most low-caste Goreans never have held a coin in their hand.

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      Familiarize yourself with the different kinds of Gorean coins and equation chart. There are copper or tarsk bit, copper tarsk disk, copper tarn disk, silver tarsk disk, silver stater, gold tarn disk, gold stater, and double weight gold tarn disk. The disk of Ar's gold tarn is Gor's standard meter coin. Ten copper tarsk bits equals one copper tarsk. One hundred copper tarsk is equal to one silver tarsk. Ten silver tarsk is equal to ine gold tarn. One copper tarsk bit is equal to one Earth penny. One silver tarsk is equal to 10 US dollars, and one gold tarn is equal to 100 dollars. Familiarize yourself with the equation chart so it will be easy for you to trade and buy goods.

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      Understand the services and goods on Gor. Visit the Angelfire website. There, you'll understand how Goreans use their money that differs from supply and demand, market conditions and locations. Familiarize yourself with different categories like men hired for wages/tasks, food and drink, travel related costs, animals, slaves, slave-related and household. It will be easy to negotiate and calculate current and future expenses if you're familiar with the chart. Like identifying that you need to pay five gold tarn disks for you to travel from Port Kar to Ar.

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