Beginner Shields
Not every shield is available to players from the start. Each one has a certain level that a character must meet or pass in order to purchase it. Lower-level shields can be purchased at the Drakel Market, from the Frogzard Hunter, and in various clan shops, like the Vampire Slayer shop. These places yield good beginner shields.
High-Level and Guardian Shields
Many class shops offer good high-level shields. The Paladin Storeroom, for example, is where the Grand Tower Shield can be purchased, which protects highly against multiple types of attacks. The Guardian Shop sells shields to game members designated as "Guardians," meaning they have paid a fee to play.
Quests and Events
Shields are often available for a limited time when associated with special events, which occur regularly in the game. These can be based on holidays like Halloween, or be special events that advance the story. Quests associated with these events will become available when logging on, and should be completed in order to receive equipment like shields.