Things You'll Need
Determine who will be playing each side of the Force. The two sides are light and dark. There are advantages to playing as the dark side, such as winning all dice roll ties and playing the first card. However, after each match, players switch sides, so advantages even out over the course of multiple matches.
Separate the card decks (if not done already) into light and dark sections of no fewer than 60 cards and shuffle each deck separately.
Select seven cards from the assigned deck. Each player draws and holds seven cards from his corresponding deck.
Set out cards to the arena areas one at a time. The arena areas are where the card battles take place and are split into Space, Character and Ground. The cards are color-coded, with blue for Space, green for Ground and Purple or Character. The dark side player lays first, then turns are taken until someone reaches a cumulative card value of 30 (card point values are located on their upper-right corner).
Roll the die to build game-play points. Each player rolls two six-sided dice once, with the dark side player going first. Add the amount of the roll and compare with the card values in your hand to determine which cards you are capable of playing.
Build additions to the arena by placing the cards made usable by your dice roll totals into arenas.
Declare attackers, choose a target in the arena areas and roll the dice to determine the power of the attackers. Rolls of four or higher "hit" and take points away from the attacked party, while rolls of three or fewer "miss" and do not take points away.
Record the damage each attacked card receives on a piece of paper and monitor it. When the damage overruns the card's value, the card is defeated and is no longer a factor in the game. Repeat attacks, going back and forth between dark and light side players until one side has defeated the cards in two of the three arenas to win the match. Record the victory and switch Force sides for the next match. Play back and forth as long as your desire or until a previously determined number of match wins is reached.