The Fox
This game takes place during the American Revolution. General Washington, Colonel Hathaway and other historical figures will take part in this spy-spotting mystery. Among the troops, there is a spy called the Fox who is attempting to send information back to the British to derail the American revolutionary efforts. Help Washington discover the spy before the dinner is over. Each guest should be assigned a "historical" name for their own amusement, and the meal should be hearty and rich, like a typical farmer's meal of the time. As the night passes, the Fox will drop clues but others may seem suspicious as well. It will take some careful thinking to discover the Fox in this thrilling mystery.
Hot Tub Murder
Hot tubs are a fun and relaxing way to spend time at a party. A hot tub murder mystery is an amusing variation on the old "murder mystery" trope. Naturally, the most important part of a hot tub murder mystery is the hot tub. The story is that Nathanial Richard Guildenstern the Third is holding a hot tub party to celebrate his recent business successes. He has invited his closest friends (including all the people playing the various parts of the story) and any other guests who have showed up. He seems to have fallen asleep in the hot tub when everyone arrives, but he is dead! His body is removed and the hot tub party begins. Drinks and food can be served as people try to decipher the mystery and enjoy some time in the hot tub.
Haunted Mansion
Ghosts are an ancient fear that still scare millions of people around the world. A haunted house mystery can be a fun way to have a house warming. The house in question should be fairly large for this to work. At least two stories and a nice basement are mandatory. This won't work in an apartment. Make your house look a bit older by throwing sheets over your furniture, hang some cotton or fake cobwebs up in the windows, add a CD playing sound effects and have the lights really low. There should be a few guests dressed up like ghosts roaming the house. Their appearances should be carefully scripted. The guests have to investigate and decide whether or not these ghosts are real and, if they are, how to get rid of them.