Things You'll Need
Write a full storyline for your character. This is a huge part of what makes an RPG character. Just like an individual in real life, the experiences that a character has gone through makes up who that character really is. Be sure to include major life experiences, the character's hometown, good friends and relatives, and anything else that relates to the character's background.
Write out the details of the character using spec sheets. Free spec sheet templates can be found in many places (see Resources below). Include everything from talents to individual assets like agility and strength.
Create a portrait for your character to add with your spec sheets. You can do this yourself by drawing or painting it, or making it on the computer. Another option is to have someone else create the portrait for you. However, if you do this, make sure that you are a very big part of the creation process. The character needs to look just like you imagined him or her.
Use an animation program to create moving animations of your character. Newer versions of Adobe Photoshop allow for this, and there are many other programs that make this an easy process (see Resources below).
Print out the portrait of your character and all of the angles of your moving animations. Also print out the storyline for the character. Attach these with your character's spec sheets. If desired, also load all of this information onto your computer. You can easily use the downloaded spec sheet templates on the computer as well as in a printout.