Hobbies And Interests

How to Gain Influence with Your Companions in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

Keeping your companions in happy, fighting order is very important in Knights 2. If you become good enough friends with them, they will trust you with intimate secrets, gain new abilities and can even become Jedi! But you must earn their trust in order to help them become all they can be. The trick is knowing what they need to hear.


    • 1

      Listen to Kreia. All this historian really wants is to be heard and have her lessons appreciated. Though you need not always heed her advice, consideration is really what it boils down to. She does not like you to be strongly light or dark, but likes it when you stay in the grey area. Though neutrality is counter-intuitive to both Jedi and Sith methodology, you can maintain your standing with Kreia by always saying you will take her advice to heart (even if you won't.) This will allow you to be light or dark and stay in Kreia's good graces.

    • 2

      Compliment T3-M4. One of the easiest characters to gain influence with, this little droid just wants to be told he is doing a good job. Nearly all his influence-gain opportunities are on board the Ebon Hawk, so just talk to him and tell him you appreciate the work he does on the ship. If you feel confident in your repair skill, try fixing him up for some additional influence.

    • 3

      Reminisce with Bao Dur. This old warhorse is just begging to tell you how he feels about the things he did in the war. Talk to him whenever you can! He also likes to work on mechanical things, and appreciates it when you tell him you trust him enough to handle the complicated stuff. Help him reconcile his past actions and before you know it, Bao Dur will be a ready and willing Jedi Guardian.

    • 4

      Be careful with Atton. Though he is usually ready to help and seems nice enough, Atton has a very dark past that usually reveals itself on Nar Shadaa. Make sure you have gained plenty of influence with him before you ask about it. Like Bao Dur, Atton likes being told his opinions and skills are valid and that he is a decent kind of guy. Strangely enough, you can gain influence with him by murdering civilians and telling him it was the right thing to do. If you wish to avoid that route, just bring him along as much as you can until he's ready to open up. If you are supportive enough, he can walk away a Jedi Sentinel.

    • 5

      Be gentle with Visas. She has suffered much, and yearns to share her feelings with you (especially if your character is male). Ask her about her homeworld and assure her that she need not follow the dark path any longer. On Onderon, you can gain some influence with her by siding with General Vaklu, though this leads to the dark side.

    • 6

      Befriend Mira. Mira is a bit callous at first, but with some gentle probing and understanding, can open up and be quite a companion. Don't try and get too friendly, especially if you're male. Just let her know you're there as a friend and that she need not face life alone. Bring her back to Nar Shadaa to make her a Jedi Sentinel.

    • 7

      Cause merry mayhem with HK-47. This rusty old fellow wants nothing more than to blast stuff and be generally diabolical. Despite having a humorous personality in the first game, HK-47 takes on a much darker personality here and may even work against you if you display anything he perceives as "weakness". Show no mercy to your enemies, and you'll get along with him just fine. Or, if you wish to keep your standing with the light side of the force, simply don't repair him.

    • 8

      Fight the Handmaiden. As strange as it may be, the Handmaiden likes to fight (in scanty clothes no less, how scandalous!). She respects martial prowess and its responsible use. Spar with her for influence and bring her along when you're being nice to people. Show her your benevolent side that can use a lightsaber and before you know it she'll be telling you all about her parents. Teach her a few things and she can become a very powerful Jedi Guardian.

    • 9

      Berate Hanharr! If you are evil and decided it would be fun to pick up Hanharr, the best option is to treat him like dirt. Tell him he's useless, slap him around and just generally be unkind to him. As crazy as it seems, it is what he wants. Apparently he has some big self-esteem issues.

    • 10

      Philosophize with the Disciple. This suave gent only appears if you're female. He has some interesting theories on why the current state of affairs is so messy, and is just dying to share them with you! Gaining influence with him is easy: stick to the path of the light, talk to him every now and again, show even the slightest interest in what he has to say and he'll be eating out of your hand in no time.

    • 11

      Toss one back with Mandalore! Not literally, but that's the general idea with this warhorse. He enjoys combat, despises the weak and hopes you do, too. If you do, you'll get along with him just fine. Bring him along to the big battles. Not only is he a good shooter, but he just loves it when you revel in the heat of battle.

    • 12

      Tread softly around G0-T0. This droid is the projection of Goto, gives out his orders (such as they are) and generally causes trouble for light-sided characters. If you want to maintain his good graces, kill civilians whenever possible, be as ignoble as possible but do try to stabilize the situations on Onderon and Dantooine. He enjoys stability and will do or pay anything to get it. If you wish to remain light-sided however, ignore G0-T0 completely.

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