Hobbies And Interests

How to Beat the Bosses in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

There are several boss fights you will need to survive in order to beat Knights of the Old Republic. Some are easier than others, but none of them should be taken lightly. While there are several encounters which could be considered bosses or mini-bosses, we will focus on the biggest and baddest: Calo Nord, Dark Bandon and Bastila.


  1. Calo Nord

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      Calo surprises you on your way out of the Krayt Dragon cave on Tatooine. He's got several cronies in tow, and can be trouble if you're not expecting him.

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      Use grenades to soften him and his buddies up before you move in for the kill.

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      Use your Jedi to aim for Calo while your companions eliminate his henchmen. He is by far the more dangerous combatant.

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      Use Critical Strike or Flurry to bring him down quickly in Knights of the Old Republic, then head after any leftover henchmen.

    Darth Bandon

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      This dapper gent is waiting for you on the forest floor of Kashyyyk. He has a pair of Dark Jedi with him and is very dangerous.

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      Swap some of your Jedi in before you get committed, if you can. They will last much longer than shooters.

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      Don't bother with grenades, all 3 Dark Jedi will close with you much too fast to make use of these.

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      Set your Jedi allies to Jedi Support. This will make use of their force powers to give you the edge.

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      Watch for the Dark Jedi, they like to use Flurry and Power Attack.

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      Stun everyone you can. Any time you can buy will help!


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      Friend turned foe, Bastila will attack you on the roof of the temple on the Rakata homeworld, as well as just before Malak on the Star Forge. She is dangerous the first time and downright lethal the second time!

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      Make sure you're pumped up with force powers and combat stims before you charge into battle!

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      The first time, in Knights of the Old Republic, you will have Jolee and (hopefully) Juhani to help. Set them on Jedi Support and keep hammering away at Bastila with force powers and Critical Strike or Flurry.

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      Bastila herself uses Jedi Powers, Flurry and Power Attack. Be careful!

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      The second time, you are on your own! MAKE SURE you are ready for the fight before you go charging in! Use any stims and force power-ups you've got and keep them going.

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      Bastila will be recharged several times by the Star Forge, giving her full life. Just after she stops and before the Star Forge recharges her, heal yourself!

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      Try and talk her down if you can, it will save another round of combat that could be the final nail in your coffin in Knights of the Old Republic. This is dependent on how good a relationship you've had with Bastila, but is slightly easier for male characters (because you can fall in love with her).

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