Register your school for the Geo Bee. Get your principal to write a letter on school letterhead and mail it in with the $90 (as of 2011) entrance fee in early September. The deadline for submissions is Oct. 15. Submissions will also be accepted from homeschool associations. Mail subscriptions to:
National Geographic Bee
1145 17th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
Elect at least six students from each grade to participate in the contest. In mid-November, your school will be sent a package containing the contest materials. The package will include a question booklet, instructions and a medal for the winner of the school contest.
Conduct the contest at your school and select the winning student. Once your school has a winner, that student must complete the test that comes in the contest package from National Geographic. The 100 top-scoring students from every state are invited to participate at the national level.
Post the answer sheet from the wining student to National Geographic to the address given in step 1. The school winner will be notified in March by mail if qualifying as one of the top 100 students in the state.
Attend the state competition in late March or early April. Winners of the state contests are invited to the National Geographic headquarters for the final round of the contest in May. Winners of this contest will receive scholarships ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 (as of 2011).