Things You'll Need
Solo Player
Navigate to the AOL games page at A link is provided in the reference section below.
Click on "Family Feud."
Click on "Play Free Online" "Single Player."
Sign into an AOL account or check "Play as a Guest."
Click the "Play" button.
Answer the questions that are displayed within the time allowed on the timer and click "Submit." The time allowed can be changed under "Options."
Receive points for correct answers and strikes for incorrect answers. Three strikes and you lose. Beat the average score in four rounds and you will go to the Fast Money round.
Guess the top answer for the questions in the Fast Money round for points. Incorrect answers receive a strike. Receive three strikes and you lose. Reach 200 points or more and win the Fast Money round.
Multiple Players
Go to the AOL games page at with the link provided in the references section, click on "Family Feud" and download the game. It is not possible to play the multiple player version online.
Select "Start Free Trial."
Type in names for the players and click "Submit," then click on "OK" to start the game.
Be the first to buzz in to answer the question by hitting the shift key. Answer correctly and get points. If the answer is incorrect you get a strike. Three strikes and you lose.
Reach 300 points first to win and go to the Fast Money round. Play this round the same way as described for a solo player. Earn 200 points or more to win the Fast Money round of "Family Feud" on AOL games.