Answer the question the host asks. The first step of the game was for the host to ask a question and for the contestant to answer before the buzzer sounded. Most of the time the question was something no one would know and the contestant usually got it wrong and had to play the second part of the game.
Prepare for the consequences. The main part of the show was the part where the contestant would perform the consequence. This was usually a stunt to entertain the audience, but there were times it was sentimental--like reuniting love ones.
Play Barker's Box. During the time when Bob Barker was the host, the contestants had to choose drawers from a box. There were four drawers, three with money, one empty. If the contestant picked the three with money, they would get a prize.
Visit the town of Truth or Consequences. Truth or Consequences is the only game show to have a town named after it. The town was originally named Hot Springs, New Mexico but it changed it's named in 1950. There is a Truth or Consequences Fiesta held in Truth or Consequences every year--the first weekend in May--and thousands attend.