Things You'll Need
Have each couple predict what their final score will be. This information will be used if the game ends in a tie.
Send the wives offstage into the isolation area.
Ask the husbands three questions about their wives, the more off the wall and racy the better. (Example: "What will your wife say is the movie monster that best describes her mother?") Record the husbands' answers on cue cards and place them in their laps.
Bring the wives back on stage and ask them the same questions, revealing the husbands' answers as the wives give theirs. When a couple's answers match, award them five points.
Take the husbands offstage and ask the wives four questions (three, if time is short), recording their answers on cards.
Bring the husbands back and ask them the same questions; for each match, award the couple 10 points, except for the last question, which is worth 25 points.
Award the couple with the highest score a fabulous prize "chosen just for you." In case of a tie, have the tied couples reveal their predictions for the final scores. The couple coming closest without going over wins; if all predictions are over, then the couple coming closest wins.