Things You'll Need
Initial Examination
Identify the material. Civil War buttons are most commonly made of brass. They are also sometimes composed of pewter and can be plated, coated with patina or gilded. If the button in question is made of wood or a synthetic material like plastic, it is a reproduction.
Assess the condition of the button. Civil War artifacts are, at minimum, 150 years old. If the button appears unblemished and unworn, you should be wary of its authenticity.
Identify the type of button style and note the shank on the back, if present. The shank is a brazed loop used to attach the button to clothing. Each manufacturer utilized one of three types: a single face with shank; a stamped front shell attached to a back plate through crimped sides with shank on the back piece; or a stamped front shell connected to a back shanked plate with an outer loop.
Measure and note the size of the button for later verification.
Look for identifying marks on the front of the button. Civil War buttons can indicate not only the state of the wearer, but also the combat arms. Combat arms identifiers are "A" for artillery, "C" for cavalry, "D" for Dragoon, "I" for infantry or "R" for rifleman.
Examine the back of the button for manufacturer's markings and shank construction. Make a note of the manufacturer for later research and verification. The condition of the back of the button can be used to indicate a reproduction or a forgery. Check for depth and condition of lettering. Pristine markings and crisp letters without signs of wear demonstrate that the button has been struck recently. If the shank is present, it should have a circular depression around it from the die.
Consult a Civil War collector's guide, such as the most recent "The Civil War Collector's Price Guide," to verify the manufacturer's mark (and the manufacturer's corresponding button style), button design and measurements. Although an older source, Alphaeus Albert's "Records of American Uniform and Historical Buttons" is one of the definitive monographs for button collectors and reenactors (see Resources).
Use Civil War-era photography such as the Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs in the Library of Congress as a means to identify your button. The American Civil War was heavily documented by photographers, and these photographs are an excellent resource. Historians and reenactors often utilize portraits and images of dead soldiers to reconstruct and validate the authenticity of uniforms.
If included, identify your button with the use of accompanying documentation including certificates of authenticity, professional appraisals, official documentation, wills and letters. If you are the finder of the artifact, document where you located the artifact such as in storage or in the ground.
Consult an expert such as the curator of a Civil War uniform collection or an antiques dealer if you are unsure of your classification. Be sure to choose an antiques dealer who is a member of the Antique Dealers' Association of America to ensure that the button will be examined according to professional standards and practices.