Things You'll Need
Position the watch press on a table or other work surface which will provide support and stability. There will be pressure applied to the vice in order to attach the back to the watch. The work surface must be able to support the pressure.
Select a nylon die which closely matches the design of the watch back. Attach the die to the back press plate located in the upper part of the unit just below the lever. A small hole located in the center of the die is used to attach the die to the plate.
Select a die which closely matches the face and case of the watch. Insert this die into the depression in the base of the unit.
Place the watch case face down in the bottom unit. Make sure the case and face are centered in the nylon die.
Place the watch back in the correct position on the back of the watch.
Apply steady and firm downward pressure on the lever until the watch back snaps into place on the watch body.