Things You'll Need
Check the object for encrustations resulting from the oxidation of the metal. Because brass is a cupreous metal---an alloy of copper---aged brass may resemble aged copper, with a greenish or bluish patina forming on exposed surfaces.
Remove encrustations by soaking the metal object in a solution of 5 to 10 percent citric acid. Leave the object submerged in the solution for anywhere from an hour to several days, until the encrustations have dissolved or fallen off and you are better able to identify the metal underneath. Stir the solution periodically to prevent acid buildup and metal corrosion.
Remove the finish with a brass stripping product if the object has a polished finish that has changed the metal's color. The properties of brass can result in a metal that is varying shades of brown, pink or yellow, but most aged brass and many polished brass pieces have a tendency to yellow.
Lightly buff the metal surface with steel wool to remove any remaining debris covering the color of the metal. When you have removed all encrustations, finishes and debris, you can distinguish brass from copper by the yellow (rather than pink) color tones. The properties of brass also result in a stronger metal than copper, which is very malleable.
Check for magnetism. If the metal attracts magnets, it contains iron and may have brass plating, but the object cannot be solid brass.
Test a small area of the metal to distinguish aged brass from bronze, which is a very similar alloy. Brass will turn pink when tested with hydrochloric acid and will come to resemble pure copper as acid removes the zinc. Because this is a corrosive test, use the acid sparingly and only on a small area of the metal.