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How to Use Paint Stripper on Furniture

You can give new life to an old piece of furniture by stripping off existing paint to reveal the original wood. Once the old paint has been removed, you can apply a new finish on the furniture to protect the beauty of the piece. This is known as refinishing. Refinishing is your best option for a piece of furniture if the existing finish is flaking off in large areas, is cracked over large surface areas, has turned opaque and hides the wood or if the piece is sticky after being cleaned. Paint stripper is made of chemicals that reduce the need for scraping, but be sure to cover your workspace with drop cloths and to use paint stripper only in a well-ventilated area.

Things You'll Need

  • Goggles
  • Chemical resistant gloves
  • Varnish or paint remover
  • Inexpensive natural bristle brushes
  • Scouring pads
  • Stiff plastic bristle brush
  • Empty coffee cans
  • Plastic or metal paint scrapers
  • Kitty litter
  • Shop rags
  • Paper towels
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      Pour some of the paint stripper into an empty coffee can or empty paint can to make it easier to apply. Using a natural bristle brush, paint a thick coat of paint stripper onto the surface of the piece of furniture. Work quickly to spread the stripper as evenly as possible over the wood surface without painting back and forth.

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      Pour paint stripper directly on the wood surface on large, flat surfaces like dresser tops. After you pour the stripper, spread it quickly with a natural bristle brush.

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      Wait ten minutes or the length of time specified on the label of the paint stripper, then check to see if the finish has loosened enough to be scraped off easily. If not, wait a little longer or add more stripper.

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      Remove the stripper and old finish with a plastic or metal scraper. On areas that are rounded or carved, use a stiff-bristled brush or scouring pad to scrub away the stripper and finish. The stripper will be a gel-like goo that you can scrape off the scraper and drop into a container full of kitty litter. This will make disposal easier. Remove as much finish as you can using the scraper and brushes.

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      Wash down your furniture piece with lacquer thinner and a scouring pad to remove any remaining finish and the wax residue from the furniture stripper.

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      Wipe down with heavy duty paper towels or shop rags and more lacquer thinner to be sure that all of the finish has been removed from your furniture piece. If there are shiny spots on the wood, try using a little more stripper or scrub with a scouring pad and lacquer thinner.

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      Allow your piece of furniture to dry overnight. Apply desired finish when wood is completely dry.

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