Learn as much as you can about the history of antique spoons as possible before you start buying. If you make uneducated purchases, your collection may appear disorganized and haphazard.
Make a list of certain spoons you would like to focus on buying, for example, American antique spoons, Civil War-era spoons or newly made souvenir spoons. If you don't prepare ahead of time, you may get carried away and buy far too much all at once.
Learn about the different seals and marks which spoons bear, and memorize as many spoon-related terms as possible. Knowing the vernacular definitely makes shopping for spoons easier.
Join collecting groups and sign up for newsletters. Others who have been doing it for a while may be able to give good advice and a newsletter is a constant source of current information.
Find a good website, garage sale, swap meet or other venue and begin your collection.