Things You'll Need
Place a sheet of newspaper on a table. Place the sheet of balsa wood on the newspaper. Place the bottom of the plastic toy boat on the balsa wood. Draw an outline around the bottom of the boat on the balsa wood with a pencil. Place the boat aside.
Cut through the outline on the balsa wood with a utility knife and dispose of the excess balsa wood. Sand the edges of the cut balsa wood with fine-grit sandpaper.
Spray the balsa-wood with a waterproof spray from a spray can. Let the spray set for three hours and then turn the balsa wood over. Spray the balsa wood with the waterproof spray and wait three hours before continuing.
Rotate the cut balsa wood so that the pointed end is facing away from you. Apply bonding glue to the bottom of the DC-powered fan. Press the bottom of the fan against the end of the balsa wood facing you. Hold the fan down for 2 minutes so that the glue can adhere.
Rotate the balsa wood so that the fan is facing right. Twist the ends of the red and black wires attached to the fan between your fingers to form rods. Apply bonding glue to the bottom of the battery pack.
Hold the battery pack parallel to the balsa wood. Place the battery pack on the balsa wood at about the midway point between each end. Hold the battery pack down for 2 minutes so that the glue can take hold. Let the glue set overnight.
Insert the rod at the end of the red wire attached to the fan into the ̶0;+̶1; labeled contact on the battery pack. Insert the rod at the end of the black wire attached to the fan into the ̶0;-̶1; labeled contact on the battery pack.
Place your do-it-yourself airboat in water, such as a nearby pond or a filled bathtub. Insert a battery into the battery pack to start the fan spinning. Release your hold on the battery pack and watch your airboat start to move.