Things You'll Need
Choose a design template. Glider airplane design is complex science in which you can experiment. For your first plane, though, buy or download a template. On subsequent planes, you can experiment by modifying your template.
Print our template and cut each template piece out with scissors. Trim the pieces very accurately, as not just the shape, but precise symmetry will play a big role in your plane's flight characteristics.
Lay a piece of card-stock or a macramé board on your work area. Lay a sheet of wax paper over the work surface. This will keep your balsa wood from sticking to the work surface and the wax will release easily from the balsa wood. It also lets you hold pieces in place with straight-pins if need be. Tape the edges of the wax paper down.
Lay your balsa wood materials out on your work area, then lay your template over your balsa wood. To maximize strength, arrange templates so the fibers run longitudinally along long pieces. Now, carefully mark the edges of your templates. You can pin the corners of the wood down, if it helps you work. Tape your template down with one or two pieces of tape.
Cut your templates out using a razor-knife. Make sure you have a new or very sharp blade. When using thicker slabs of balsa wood, such as 1/4-inch, you don't need to cut all the way through on a single stroke. It may be easier to cut around the entire perimeter, part way through, then complete the cut with a second, slicing motion.
Sand the edges with moderate sandpaper -- 120 grit or so -- except any edges that will be joined together.
Glue and join each joint, one at a time. It's extremely important that you use model airplane glue as typical wood glue will not provide adequate strength. Once glued and joined, you may tape the joint together while drying, or you may lay the pieces adjacent to one another and pin them to your work-mat. But do not disturb them until the glue is completely dry. You may have space your building time out, so you're not trying to glue one part which might disturb the drying of other parts.
When each piece cut from your templates is glued together, dried and cured, test-fly your glide on grass, giving it a soft landing.