Things You'll Need
Adjust the bellcrank to the neutral position, crosswise atop the servo. Tape the bellcrank to the rabbit rod so it won't move.
Mark the center of the canopy rail, even with the bellcrank, using a piece of tape. This will make a straight line running across the cockpit. Run a longer piece of tape from the top of the canopy rail straight down the side of the fuselage.
Lay a flat board across the cockpit station. Measure from the bottom of the board to each blade on the bellcrank to find the bellcrank depth. Find this point on the outside of the fuselage, measuring from the canopy rail down the taped line. Make a mark here as a guide for cutting.
Find the width of the bellcrank by measuring it from tip to tip. Turn the plane upside down on a padded surface to prevent body damage. Connect the pieces of tape running down the sides of the plane with an extra piece of tape. Divide your bellcrank measurement in half. Line up the edge of a ruler with the fuselage center seam and mark the new value on the tape. Measure the distance between the points to ensure your marks are accurate.
Align a chalk line on top of each mark near the center seam. Cross the chalk lines to make an "X." Stretch the lines down both sides of the plane towards the rudder. Make a mark where the chalk lines exit the seam line on the fuselage. These marks represent where the pull-pull rudder cables will exit the fuselage.
Tape the chalk line to the bellcrank depth marks. Stretch the chalk line to the point marked for cable exit. Make a mark to represent the depth and join the two lines to make a cross.
Use a rotary tool with a carbide bit to drill a hole through each mark near the rudder. Turn the rotary tool sideways and make an impression with the side of the bit from the drilled hole toward the rudder. This impression allows you to install exit hardware.
Thread chalk line through the rudder guides and into your drilled holes. Install it on the bellcrank as if it was rudder cable to check your work. Pull the lines to simulate installed cables. Install a nylon coated rudder cable on each side of the bellcrank using the hardware from the kit. Cross the lines and lead them down exiting the fuselage. Connect the cables to the rudder using the hardware that came in the kit.