Why Use Carbon Fiber?
Carbon fiber is used in the development of radio-controlled planes because it is very light and strong. Carbon fiber is used for structural members and outer skin molded components. Planes made of carbon fiber components can withstand greater stress because of the material's high strength-to-weight ratio. Carbon fiber replaces fiberglass, which is also very light but much weaker when compared to carbon fiber sheets and tubing.
Carbon Fiber in Airplanes
Trainer airplanes are designed for fliers who have just picked up the hobby. Trainers come with electric or gas-powered engines and have stable flight characteristics. Because of their low retail prices, few of the components of these planes are made from carbon fiber. Sport airplanes and acrobatic planes are much more likely to have carbon fiber components and skins. These planes perform more aggressive maneuvers and have a higher power-to-weight ratio than the larger, slower trainer planes. Carbon fiber components make these planes able to withstand more in-flight stresses.
Carbon Fiber in Helicopters
Radio-controlled helicopters are also a popular use for carbon fiber components. Single-rotor helicopters, coaxial helicopters and multi-propeller flying platforms are designed from carbon fiber because of its strength and durability. Used for aerial photographic surveys, quad-propeller helicopters carry digital camera equipment that can shoot HD photos and videos. The frames of these helicopters are built with carbon fiber to minimize the helicopter's weight and, thus, maximize the weight the helicopter can carry in camera equipment.
Body Parts Accessories
Many accessory parts for RC planes and helicopters are also manufactured from carbon fiber. The nose cone is the part of the fuselage that encounters high amounts of torque and stress during flight. Carbon fiber nose cones add stability to the plane and help improve its flight characteristics. RC plane wings are not normally made completely from carbon fiber, but often the wing skeleton is built from carbon fiber structural beams. Carbon fiber adds rigidity to the wings and helps stabilize the plane's flight characteristics.