Look to see if the helicopter has only one window. If the single window is all black, it is a Turbulence D3. If the helicopter has one window and three stars on the side, it is an SST-Eagle Freya Evolution. If it has orange and red decals, it is a ShuttlePlus. If the frame is black and the decals are purple, pink and red it is a Lepton EX. If the decals are red and the frame is white, it is an SDX.
Look to see if the helicopter has more than one window and it is camouflaged. If the camo is brown and black, it is a Eurocopter AS 565 Panther. If the camo is only in shades of brown, it is a Supercobra 0404-990. If it is camouflaged and features two rotors, one behind the other, it is a CH-47 Chinook.
Look to see if the helicopter has two rotors, one behind the other, but no camouflage. If id does, it is a CH-46 Vertol.
Look to see if the helicopter has more than one window, and what colors it is painted. If it is painted all black, it is a Eurocopter 0404-980. If it is all green, it is a Tow Cobra 0404-989. If it is purple, it is a Long Ranger. If it is blue with three windows on the side, it is a Bell 222. The Bell 222 also comes in brown and green. If it is blue or white with a blue tail and has two windows on the side it is a JetRanger. If there is a red cross on the side, it is a 30 Lama. If the helicopter is white and red with the words "Coast Guard" or "Police" on the side, or if it is all yellow, it is a Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin2. If the letters and numbers "EC 135" are painted on the side, it is a Eurocopter 135. If the front and sides are all clear glass windows and the helicopter has two large propellers, one on top of the other, it is an XRB.