Obtain a copy of CBP Form 178. You can obtain a copy of CBP Form 178 from the airport you are taking off from or a Customs and Border Patrol office.
Provide information about your arrival. Indicate the US airport you are arriving at, the date of arrival and the time of arrival, in both Zulu time and local time. Indicate the foreign airport of departure, date of departure and the time of departure, in both Zulu and local time. If you are planning on landing at any other airport, indicate your full itinerary.
Provide information about your aircraft. Provide the tail and decal number of your aircraft. Indicate the make, model, colors and trim of your aircraft. Indicate the name and address of the aircraft owner.
Provide information about the pilot, crew and passenger list. Provide the full name, address, nationality, date of birth and license number for the pilot. For each crew member and passenger, indicate in Part IV if they are a crew member or passenger. Provide the name, date of birth and nationality of all crew members and passengers.
Provide information about the flight inspector. Provide the name and badge number of the flight inspector. Indicate the PAES Report Number of the flight inspection. Indicate whether a compliance exam has taken place and the results of the examination. Provide the ECAR Number of the examination, if applicable, and indicate whether the flight is an overflight.