Things You'll Need
Measure 18 inches from one end of a PVC pipe, using a tape measure. Cut the PVC pipe at the 18-inch mark, using a hacksaw. Cut another piece of PVC pipe, measuring it to 78 inches first. Measure two inches from one end of a PVC pipe, and cut it at the 2-inch mark with the handsaw.
Grip the PVC cap with a pair of pliers. Drill a hole through the center of the cap. Unscrew the cap from the tire valve. Push the tire valve through the hole in the cap. Reattach the cap.
Put on work gloves. Roughen both ends of the PVC pipes with medium-grade sandpaper. Apply PVC pipe cement to both ends of all of the pipes.
Place one end of the T-fitting over one end of the 18-inch pipe. Place one end of the 78-inch pipe into the other end of the T-fitting. Place one end of the 2-inch pipe into the bottom of the T-fitting.
Place the cap with the tire valve in it on the free end of the 18-inch pipe. Let the cement set overnight before continuing.
Measure 11 inches from the open end of the 18-inch pipe. Hold the pipe at the 11-inch mark over a candle flame placed beneath it. When it has softened, push the pipe inward using pliers to create a bulge. Remove the pliers, and blow out the candle. Place the pipe down on a table, and let it cool for 20 minutes before continuing.
Place a hose clamp on the open end of the 18-inch pipe. Place the open end of an empty soda bottle over the open end of the pipe. Push the bottle down until it reaches the bulge. Tape one end of a cable tie to the side of the bottle with duct tape. Repeat this procedure with eight additional ties, spacing them around the bottle.
Cut off the top and bottom a soda bottle with scissors. Flatten the bottle, using your hands. Cut a hole through both sides of the bottle, using the blade of a utility knife, to make a "plastic spring." Drill a hole in the side of a scrap piece of PVC pipe. Thread one end of a string through the hole, and tie a knot at the end so it will not exit the hole.
Remove the bottle from the pipe. Slide the plastic spring over the pipe. Slide the scrap pipe over the pipe. Thread the string through the holes in the plastic spring. Tape the side of the string closest to the pipe to it with a piece of duct tape.
Fill the soda bottle one-third with water. Place the bottle over the pipe. Place the end of the ties beneath the clamp. Tighten the clamp.
Remove the cap from the tire valve. Place the nipple from a tire pump's hose onto the end of the valve. Pump the tire pump to "70 psi" on the tire gauge. Remove the nipple, and replace the cap. Place the capped end of the pipe on the ground outside. Hold your rocket launcher at the bottom and middle of the pipe so that the bottle is pointing up. Pull the string to launch your liquid-powered rocket.