Place the RC helicopter on a flat take-off pad. Use a hard floor or coffee table for indoor helicopters. Use a flat piece of concrete for outdoor helicopters. Turn on the helicopter and the control box. Test the controls by pushing the right stick left to right and the left stick up and down. Watch the rotors turn and alter the pitch as you engage the controls.
Push the left stick up slowly. The top rotor blades will begin to spin. As this happens, push the right stick slightly to the right to counteract the torque placed on the main body of the helicopter and allow it to lift off without the main body spinning under the rotor.
Push the left stick further up as the helicopter takes off. As the helicopter rises and you engage the right stick further it will begin to fly forward. Counteract the blade's "P-factor" (the torque on the main body) by pushing the right stick to the right, gently. Find the balance between the two sticks that allows forward movement without the body rotating under the blades.
Push the left stick all the way down and the right stick all the way left. This brings the helicopter to the backward flight mode. Like the froward movement, find the "sweet spot" between the two sticks that allows the backward movement without having the main helicopter body rotate under the blades.
Alter the right and left sticks slightly, bringing them both close to their respective center to bring the helicopter to a hover. The hover requires a constant adjustment between the two sticks. As the helicopter is hovering, begin to reduce the speed (bring the left stick down) to lower the helicopter onto your landing pad.