Lift your helicopter off the ground by increasing the collective (throttle) slightly until your torque gauge reads around 70 percent. Maintain an altitude of three feet. You call this the "taxi altitude," since helicopters do not have wheels or frontal propulsion.
Stabilize the helicopter using the anti-torque pedals in the direction opposite to which the helicopter fuselage attempts to spin. Do not push on the cyclic (joystick) or move it. Just maintain a gentle hover. Once you master this, continue to the next steps.
Increase your collective until the torque gauge reads between 75 and 80 percent. This gives you enough power to move up a notch in your hover. Keep maintaining stability until you are used to this altitude and feel ready to move forward.
Begin pushing on your cyclic gently until the helicopter's nose moves down a notch. Notice the helicopter moving forward. Try not to pitch or roll until you are comfortable performing this motion.
Land your helicopter by moving the nose slightly up to reduce speed. Once you have almost zero speed, maintain the helicopter level while stabilizing the fuselage. Gently lower the collective to start a slow descent to the ground. After completing this, you know all the basics about flying a helicopter.