Things You'll Need
Rudder and Elevator Servos
Attach a 9-inch servo extension to the servo lead. Secure the connection to ensure that it does not come apart in flight.
Remove the covering from the rudder servo mounting area using a sharp hobby knife. Use the mounting screws and grommets that come with your servos to secure the servo to the fuselage.
Attach a clevis onto a 3-¾-inch-long push rod. Attach the clevis to the rudder control horn and mark the location where the push rod crosses the servo arm with a felt-tip marker.
Make a 90-degree bend in the push rod at the mark made in step 3. Put the push rod through the servo arm and secure it with one of the supplied wire clips. Trim any excess push rod wire with side cutters.
Follow the same steps for the elevator servo.
Aileron Servos
Remove the aileron servo covers from the underside of the bottom wing. The servos will be mounted to these covers, and only the servo arm will be exposed. Use the hobby knife to remove the film covering from the slot in the cover.
Hold the servo against the cover and ensure that the servo arm will have full range of motion. Mark the position of the servo on the cover. Use epoxy to glue the hardwood mounting blocks to the cover.
Mount a long arm on the servo and center the arm using the transmitter. Secure the servo to the plate with grommets and screws.
Tie the string in the aileron mounting area to the servo wire. Pull the servo lead through the wing using the string. Tape the lead to the wing after it emerges from the hole.
Secure the aileron servo mounting plates to the wing by drilling a hole on each corner of the plate and attach the plates to their supports with screws.
Use the supplied push rod, clevis and wire clip to attach the servo to the control horn on each wing half to complete the installation.