Things You'll Need
Charging NiCad RC Aircraft Batteries
Connect your NiCad battery charger to your NiCad battery pack according to charger directions.
Follow the instructions for charge rate indicated on the charger.
Use the battery immediately after charging.
Ensure the battery is fully discharged before storage to avoid loss of storage capacity.
Charging NiMH RC Aircraft Batteries
Connect your NiMH battery charger to your NiMH battery pack according to package directions. A peak detection charger is best for this battery type.
Charge your battery at a rate of capacity divided by 10. A 700mAh milliamps per hour battery should be charged at 70 milliamps or 70 mA per hour, taking 10 hours to charge.
Charge your battery to its full capacity. Do not over or undercharge.
Do not allow the pack to fully discharge. This will harm a NiMH battery pack.
Charging LiPo RC Aircraft Batteries
Connect your LiPo battery charger to your LiPo battery pack according to package directions.
Charge with a constant current, constant voltage method. Do not peak charge as you would a NiMH cell.
Do not allow discharge below 3.0v per cell. Use an electronic speed controller or ESP programmed to provide low-voltage cutoff.