Things You'll Need
Call 1-800-WX-BRIEF (1-800-992-7433). Press "1" or say "briefer" to go to a live aviation weather briefer.
Tell the briefer you would like to file an IFR flight plan. Give him your full name (as it appears on your pilot license), home address, telephone number and home airport identifier.
Give the briefer your aircraft's tail number (beginning with "N"), departure point, arrival destination, estimated departure time (in "zulu" time, also known as Universal Coordinated Time) and estimated arrival time (also in zulu). Additionally, tell the briefer your average true airspeed and planned cruising altitude.
Provide the briefer with your complete route of flight, including your departure point, destination airport and any waypoints such as VORs, airports or airway intersections. Inform the briefer of your estimated time enroute (in hours), fuel on board (in hours), alternate airport, people on board and color of the aircraft.
Confirm the briefer's read-back of your flight plan. Wait for the briefer to say "your flight plan is on file."
Activate your flight plan before takeoff by radioing the nearest flight service station.