Things You'll Need
Read up on the two types of electric motors for RC planes: brushless and brushed. The motors function in a similar manner but the moving and stationary parts are slightly different. The main advantages of brushless motors are a longer flight time and less friction and there are no brushes to replace. Brushes require more care and cleaning and create some friction but brushed motors are easier to install in the plane. Before selecting the motor, it is important to know all of the pros and cons of these two types of motors. This will help determine which type suits your personal needs and wants.
Check the plane manual to see if it recommends specific motors. Use comparable motors when purchasing a brand that is different from the recommended motor. Comparable motors should match the size, power and abilities of the recommended motor.
Buy a motor that is compatible with the battery. LiPo batteries are used with RC planes.
Check the maximum current and power on the motor specifications. The motor has a maximum current and power that it can manage before it starts to break. If the motor specifications do not match the necessary current and power requirements of the plane, the motor is not appropriate for the plane.