Things You'll Need
The Roll
Launch your plane into flight by either ground take off or hand-launch method and then achieve level flight at half-throttle. Count this step as the first Step in each of the following sections as well. When you attempt the loops, make sure you're flying your plane into the wind.
Press the up elevator and aileron (either direction, left or right) simultaneously with slight, gentle pressure. Too much elevator will cause the plane to climb; too much aileron will send the plane into a turn. Just enough of both will cause the plane to roll over.
Press the down elevator mid-way through the roll. Continue holding the aileron at the same setting.
Level out the plane as it finishes the roll by returning both the elevator and aileron to the neutral position.
Inside Loop
Accelerate to full power by pushing the throttle stick to the fully open position.
Go into a vertical climb by applying gentle, even pressure to the up elevator. As the plane ascends, keep pulling back on the up elevator until the plane rolls over and is flying inverted (with its top facing the ground). If you consider the loop as a 360-degree circle, the plane will be at the top of the circle when fully inverted.
Decelerate the plane suddenly by pushing the throttle stick to the fully closed position. Continue holding the up elevator as you let the plane drop through the back half of the loop.
Shift the elevator to neutral as the plane returns to the altitude where it started the loop and open the throttle back up to level out the plane and return it to a straight flight path.
Outside loop
Roll the airplane onto its back along a straight flight path (i.e., go into a roll, but don't finish the maneuver) Press the up elevator and aileron (either direction, left or right) simultaneously with slight, gentle pressure until the plane is inverted.
Go into a vertical climb by applying gentle, even pressure to the down elevator. As the plane ascends, keep pulling back on the down elevator until the plane rolls over and is flying level to the ground. Please note that as the plane is inverted at the beginning of the outside loop, you must use the down elevator to climb (rather than the up elevator). If you apply the up elevator at this step, the plane will go into a dive instead.
Dive the plane through the remaining half of the loop by continuing to hold in the down elevator.
Realign the plane. As the plane reaches the altitude where you started the roll, push in the up elevator to stop the dive and return the aileron to neutral to finish the roll.