Things You'll Need
Place a sheet of newspaper on a work surface to protect the surface. Place the wood block on the newspaper. Drill a hole in the center through the top of the wood block with the portable drill. Stop drilling before you exit the bottom of the wood block.
Apply bonding glue to the inside of the hole. Place an end of the metal rod into the hole. Hold the metal rod into the hole for a minute so that the glue can take hold. Let the glue set for five hours.
Measure 2 inches up from the bottom of the metal rod. Wrap a strip of electrical tape around the metal rod at the 2-inch mark.
Tear off two 10-inch strips of aluminum foil. Place one of the strips of aluminum foil horizontally on the newspaper. Place the other strip of aluminum foil vertically on top of the center of the horizontal strip of aluminum foil.
Place the wood block, metal rod facing up, on the middle of the two strips of aluminum foil. Fold the sides and ends of the aluminum foil over onto the top of the wood block. Crinkle down the aluminum foil on the wood block with your fingers so that all of the wood block, with the exception of the hole, is covered.
Slide a model rocket onto the metal rod.