Things You'll Need
Fly a computer simulator before even touching your RC helicopter. Flying helicopters in a computer simulator greatly reduces your chances of a crash or mishap, and is worth the extra $20-$50 you will spend on it.
Get a flying veteran to test pilot your helicopter before trying it out. This person can go through the pre-flight check with you, making sure you know exactly how to prepare and fly your helicopter.
Start flying short little "hops" on a flat surface. Just bring the throttle up to about halfway, and let the helicopter hover 2 to 3 feet above the ground. Practice using the trim (which trims out the rotors so the helicopter can fly straight), throttle and joystick. It helps if you can get a training gear, which will reduce the chance of a fatal mishap if your helicopter crashes.
Fly your helicopter at about 7 to 8 feet as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. Try practicing a figure-8 around yourself with the helicopter. Getting used to controlling your helicopter is vital, and this figure-8 motion can help speed up this process.
Practice the every day, trying to get more and more comfortable with your helicopter.