Shapes and Sizes
There are many different shapes and sizes of hang gliders. Each manufacturer of hang gliders has a large variety of shapes and designs.which enable the hang glider to provide different characteristics of flight, controlling everything from the fall ratio to the speed of the hang glider. The larger the wing structure, the less drag and wind interference, making for a smoother and slower descent than hang gliders with a smaller wing structure, although the smaller wing structured hang gliders allow for faster turns and greater speed.
Wing Structure
Flight is achieved by making the air on top of the wing move faster than the air on the bottom of the wing. This is done by creating a curved panel on the top of the wing while keeping the bottom panel flat. The front of the wing will cause some wind resistance during the splitting of air currents, but this is compensated by the forward thrust of the descent. The meeting of the air current again will cause some air eddies and distortions that can cause drag, but this is often lessened by increasing the size of the wing.
Pilot Supports
There are two primary methods in which a pilot can be secured to the hang glider. The first method is through a pilot harness. This method of being secured to the hang glider enables the pilot to be strapped to the hang glider and allows the pilot to use his body to direct the hang glider. The pilot is held in a horizontal position during flight with this method, which is the closest to unassisted flight possible with a hang glider. There are no surrounding components beyond the harness securing the pilot to the hang glider. The second method is with a shell that enables the pilot to sit in a hollow compartment attached to the hang glider. This method is popular with those who may be flying tandem or may have recording devices with them.
Directional Devices
Hang gliders are moved through the use of a handlebar. This bar controls the lift and direction of the hang glider. Each hang glider steers slightly differently and training is necessary to learn to control the hang glider properly. The handlebar works by tightening different straps and tension on the wings. This increases and decreases the drag, wind resistance and the curvature of the wings, resulting in directional and lift changes.
Safety First
Every pilot should wear wear a helmet when flying a hang glider. In addition, safety goggles and pads should be worn. Each pilot should have a parachute and be trained on the proper usage of the device. While hang gliders are a safe method of flight, it is important to complete proper training before attempting flight. In addition, careful visual inspection of the hang glider should be preformed before and after each flight to reduce the chances of a crash or hang glider failure.