Things You'll Need
Remove the old monokote from open sections of wings with a hobby knife; do not pull the monokote off the top of wing ribs if it does not come off easily.
Use a heat gun or iron to soften the glue on any sections of monokote that don't peel right off. Once the old monokote is off the area you want to re-cover, sand the area smooth with fine sandpaper.
Remove any sanding dust with a tack cloth or can of compressed air. The cleaner the surface, the better the monokote will look later.
Keep any overlap of monokote to a minimum--the films do not adhere well to each other. If covering an open area like a wing section, tack the monokote down to either the leading or trailing edge first, then stretch it across the open area and tack to the other edge--the film will tighten up over the open area when heat is applied to it.
Start covering solid sections, such as tail feathers or fuselage portions, by heating the film in the middle and working outward. Keep the film taut to prevent air bubbles.
Use monokote's self adhesive trim sheets to add details and striping tape to cover the seams where two colors meet.