Things You'll Need
Choose a fuel tank size. Tank size depends on the engine size of the model airplane. Engine manufacturers will often recommend fuel tank sizes to go with the engines they make. A fuel tank that provides approximately ten minutes of flying time is a good fit for a plane.
Select a fuel tank shape. Tank shape options include: rectangular square tanks, slant tanks, round tanks and oval tanks, as well as a variety of hybrids. Most model airplanes use rectangular square or slant fuel tanks.
To better secure your fuel tanks within the tank compartment encompass them with latex foam rubber. Make sure the foam is well-fitted inside the tank compartment, so as not to be too tight or too loose. Ideally the foam will fit seamlessly around the fuel tank and within the tank compartment, so that the fuel tank stays right in place.
Select and install fuel lines, fuel filters, air filters and fuel pumps to go with your fuel tank. Fuel lines generally come in four different sizes, depending on the size of your tank. Fuel filters and air filters perform the very important functions of keeping outside debris, such as sand and dirt, from getting into the carburetor and engine, which can in turn cause clogging and other malfunctioning. There are two kinds of fuel pumps--fueling pumps and engine fuel pumps. Fueling pumps take gas from the fuel canister to the fuel tank and engine fuel pumps bring gas from the fuel tank into the engine. Depending on the type of model airplane you are flying, you may or may not need both types of fuel pumps, and each pump comes in a variety of styles.
Consult your manufacturer's manuals, model aircraft books, or other resources you have available for more information on selecting these parts to go with your fuel tank. One of the best ways to get good advice on installing fuel tanks and their parts is to visit your local hobby shop and talk with experienced model airplane technicians. They are generally amiable and happy to talk about their passion.
Make sure your fuel tank and the rest of your fuel system is not only located properly within the model aircraft, but also clean, close to the engine, and leak-free. Without a smoothly operating fuel system your aircraft will not run optimally.