Things You'll Need
Power on your transmitter. Make sure the airplane receiver has a fully charged battery. Check to see if all the servos respond to the transmitter stick movements. If a servo is unresponsive but others work, replace the servo; if no servos respond, replace the receiver.
Gather all pieces of the plane and separate major sections. Place wing pieces together and fuselage pieces in another group. Dry fit the parts together. It will be like assembling a 3-D puzzle. Do not glue anything together until all the pieces have found a home.
Carefully glue pieces together. Pay attention to what surfaces mate and only apply glue there. Too much glue will add weight to the plane. Once you have the major components together, use a ruler and make sure everything is as straight and as even as possible. Reattach any control horns and pushrods that may have been broken off in the crash. It is better to use epoxy then hot glue for control horns; epoxy makes a stronger bond.
Once all the parts are together ,check your control surface movements by turning on the radio and installing a charged battery in the plane.
Check that the plane is balanced correctly. Add or remove weight where necessary to achieve balance at the center of gravity. This information is available in the Hobby Zone documentation that came with your airplane.